Yesterday, while Meag was busy taking her first day worth of NY Bar Exam testing, I went in for my Project Management Professional certification exam.
Bossman (now no longer my bossman) wanted all of our team to get certified, so back in the last week of February I took the class, then planned on taking the test later that spring. When I applied, my application got audited and I spent another two months getting all the information I needed for the audit and finally was able to schedule the exam for yesterday.
I seriously haven't studied like that since college. And I had no idea if I was studying the right things.
Excitingly enough, the test was not too terrible, though I wasn't sure at all throughout it if I was passing or failing. I finished it in under 3 hours (there are 4 allotted) and even better? The screen popped up to say I'd passed!!
So it's official, I'm definitely a PMP (project management professional). I get to tack it on the end of my name and everything. Look at me go.
Here's hoping it goes just as well for Meag, who is probably just starting Day 2 today. And the same goes for my lil sis in the sorority, Cressie who starts the TN Bar Exam on Thursday (Yes, I seem to know a lot of future lawyers)!!!
You're both going to be great!! Best of luck!
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