Updates first: I'm now to the seriously considering starting up a forum that crosses the scrapbooking globe if you will. I'd love to see us all together sharing what we have from our different kits, LSS shopping experiences, conventions, online vitories and Hobby Lobby overbuys. Plus with so many of us considering breaks (or at least spending less time) on other boards linked to different kits, it would be shame to see friends go their own way without a home base for us all to come back to.
So right now I'm just working on putting together details with which site i want to run the forum off of. I've narrowed it down to about three different sites. I just need to do more research. Expect things to get launched very soon though. I'll need your support getting things going and getting others involved.
Some good things to check out (most of these are from Ali's post today...but these were my favorites and they deserve sharing):
--Loving the concept of the Hope Notes, part of Hope Revolution and seriously considering playing along. Even better yet, check out the flickr group.
--Service: this might make you cry. Don't watch it at work.
--This fasicnated me. I love old pictures. I want to find all the old ones from when my mom was a kid, perhaps a trip to visit my uncle is in the works as he still lives in their old house. I have to wait until it's warm because I won't brave upstate NY in the winter.
I mentioned in a previous post about the Design for Mankind e-zine about Inspiration. You can see the first issue here and the second here. The newest one was just released this week, so it's brand new. I love this. I love seeing the inspiration that other people have, where it comes from. And Erin, who's in charge of the whole things, always posts things like "email me if you want to be involved in the next issue".
Today I took the plunge and emailed her. I told her I wasn't published, or accomplished, but I was different because I was an engineer and an artist. I thought I had something special to bring to the table. I asked her what it would take to be included. I hit send and then before I freaked out about it, I went back to work.
Minutes later an email popped up from her and she wants me to submit my stuff. With a focus on an inspirational corner of a home (can anyone else say "my brand new scrap space"?) . I freaked out, told her immediately i was interested and now have until the 16th to get my stuff in order. So keep an eye out for me. Holy cow. (I keep telling myself to breathe and not panic, haha).
WOW, yeah I think I'd freak too! Don't know if it helps but DH is taking pics of my new room with all the painting and flooring and trim done so I'll be posting that tonight!!! Just for inspiration maybe HA!
If I can do anything to help on the "project" let me know.
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