I love that I'm getting back into the creative swing of things. I've been writing a lot more recently and having scrapped a few pages, makes me want to get back into the groove of scrapping a lot more often. I'm hurting with taking photos and my 365 challenge has suffered (I've been very slow about updating my flickr as well, so that looks like i straight up quit, but I haven't).
I'm hoping I can get some inspiration today while I'm hanging out at the Camp Kudzu office offering up my free time to do some good in the world.
Kudzu is the summer camp I work at for kids with Type 1 diabetes. I love it so much. I've been in a camp mindset recently because this week on American Idol one of the contestants dedicated his performance to a friend of camp who passed away suddenly this fall. I'm actually pretty against AI, but it was a really cool thing to see. The local news interview his brother about his reaction to the dedication and I was pretty touched by the whole process. There are some good people left in the world.
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