Two showers down, four more to go. (whew!)
I don't have pictures up yet from either, as I'm still waiting to get one set from friends and the others I haven't uploaded my photos yet. (I just got home late last night).
But thank you notes for the first shower have been written and just need to be addressed / mailed and the second set are in the works. (two down, about 15 to go!)
I've had such fun though, putting on something pretty, spending time with old friends and getting some things I've never expected to get. We've already been blessed enough to get three place settings of our nice china, a new blender, tons of cooking items and I got some very nice things at the "Naughty or Nice" themed shower (mostly naughty...and lacy). My friends/family/mom's friends have excellent taste.
We have another gathering this weekend, which is more of a party and less of a shower, and then a "giftcard" themed shower early next month. The last two showers will be one with my family and then another with the church ladies that Chris' parents know. A grand total of SIX. It's exhausting and I'm worried I'm going to run out of cute outfits to wear to everything!! (I've never been so relieved that I've picked up four or so new dresses to wear to these events).
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Wedding: Showers galore!
9:02 AM
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