I am not a fan of New Year's. I never really have been. I can think of maybe three parties I've been to in the past 27 years (that weren't parents' friends parties where I was a kid at an adult party), and only 1/3 was actually a lot of fun and even then it wasn't that much fun. When I was working shifts, this was the holiday I volunteered to work because it was better than sitting at home renting sappy girly movies.
Still it's coming, no matter how hard I'm trying to fight it and 2011 is bringing me quite a bit with it. There's the rest of the 27 before 28 list to finish (I don't have updates yet, but I did get a sewing machine for Christmas from Champ so there's step one towards finishing #7), there's concerts that I want to see, at least two weddings so far to attend, family to see, friends to visit, and so much more. There's a load of work that will have me jetting around like I'm some sort of important person.
I think I'm afraid of the new year.
The thoughts of resolutions come to mind and I shake my head, not interested. I've got the 27 before 28 list, which is plenty to work with for the moment. I still have that life list to finish putting together as well. Isn't that enough than to buy into the idea that I'm going to start something fresh in the new year? I have a hard enough time getting motivated to clean my desk off.
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You should start a NYE tradition! We spend NYE with another couple and have done so for every year since 2003 (except last year). We're staying in and playing board games like the old married people we are. :)
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