Most of my what's playing this week is rooted in the concert I have this weekend. Sunday is The Summer Set and The Cab and I can't properly explain how excited I am for this. I wanted to see The Summer Set a while ago, but I couldn't bring myself to pay to see All Time Low, even if Yellowcard and TSS were opening. I've watched to see The Cab since Rana got me hooked on them. The two in one show that came through Atlanta was kismet and I am unbelievably stoked. I'll be posting about it come Monday I'm sure.
In The Car
It was Pioneer by The Maine and that lead to a great moment of Champ actually turning the volume up to loud and saying he was surprised that as a band they weren't bigger. Color me amazed. I might have stared at him like he was insane. I kept that playing for a little longer, but then switched to The Cab's new album Symphony Solider which is just fantastic. Great driving music. Plus it's getting me more than stoked for this weekend.
On the Computer
I've had more time to crank iTunes and I've been spending a good bit of time listening through the new album, Everything's Fine from the Summer Set. I like their old stuff and while the new stuff hasn't grown on me the same way, I do still enjoy it. Trying to get a good grasp of it for the show so I don't stand there awkwardly through songs wondering what the words are.
The bonus tracks off Go Radio's Deluxe version of Lucky Street have gotten a good bit of air time as well. I practically burned a hole in the album when I first got it, but added content is great, including their cover "Rolling In The Deep" (my second favorite cover, I'm partial to the Cage the Elephant version as well. There's also my favorite "Stay Gone" which comes with the line "You're better off in Boston" which is a regular tweet of mine. (I know, lame, I can't help it, I love that place.)
On the iPod
While I work to listen to new music on my computer, the iPod always goes back to my comfort music in the end. Lately it's been stuck on a playlist I made for someone, which is pretty darn good if you ask me, but there's also been a lot of Jack's Mannequin playing and even more The Tower and The Fool. I really can't get enough of either band these days and it seems to be fitting my moods.
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