Thursday, April 12, 2012

Album Pre-order: The Tower and The Fool "How Long"

One of my favorites, and a band I tend to frequent shows for when in Boston, The Tower and the Fool, has a new album coming out on April 24. The pre-orders for the album, being released on Run For Cover Records, just went live.

The deluxe CD and vinyl first 100 orders come with a 120-page book with an in-depth look into the method behind the madness that went into the album. I've heard a few of the songs on the album live and I'm sure we're in for something great.

Pick up your pre-order on the Run For Cover Recods webstore and then, if you can't wait? Check out my new favorite song by TTaTF, "Scoliosis":

Bonus: If you're feeling creative, there's not a bad thing on the RFC label. A few month's ago I picked up their "Mixed Signals" compilation and it's solid. Make sure you check everything this label has to offer.


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