Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Feb Photo A Day - Catch up again

I keep forgetting to post! But the pictures are up on my instagram (winglesswarrior) so feel free to follow me there.

Day 23 - Your shoes

What a perfect day for a picture of my shoes! It was warm out which meant sandals. I was driving, so my Chacos got some air. They might be ugly but I love them. They're super comfy, super durable and who cares if I look like a freak with them on. Also, perk of warm weather? My tattoo gets display.

Day 24 - inside your bathroom cabinet

I was traveling so my bathroom cabinet wasn't an option. The travel-carry-along version was, so inside my bag! (Confession: I travel with far more products than I use on a daily basis. I have no idea why this is.)

Day 25 - Green

I just thought this looked cool

(At this point I'm still behind, but I'll add the others later.)


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